Thinning hair as social problem among female and male for long time has had negative impact in decreasing our appearance confidence, this visible problem does worse effect in ladies.

So, why my hair become thinning or even bald? Vitamin, stress, aging, or something else? And the most important thing we do aware—— How can I stop thinning hair and even cure? Before you get alarmed, I hope you could scroll down and read this article, then have a clear idea about the reason of hair losing, traditional treatment, the difference between female and male, so that deal with thinning hair more directional and effective.
Causes and Risk Factors for Thinning Hair
There are many causes of the thinning hair. Typically, the average adult head has about 100,000 to 150,000 hairs and loses around 50 to 100 hairs each day, which sounds terrible but it is common process of hair in losing and regrowing, this magic balance maintains our voluminous and long hair look. But if the balance once broke——the number or pace of losing hair beyond the regrowing hair——then you may face the problem of thinning hair.
Here we list several risk factors and causes are given following:
1. Heredity
Hereditary is the most common reason for male-patterned baldness and female-patterned baldness. Hereditary-patterned baldness is a natural process to occur. In this condition, hormonal levels, combination of genetics and aging process cause hair loss. These patterns are linked with a family history of hair loss. Thus, hereditary is the primary cause of hair thinning.
2. Hormonal Imbalances
Hormonal imbalance is another primary reason of hair thinning. Testosterone is found both in men and women. The process of testosterone converting to the DHT harms hair follicles in both men and women. Some hormonal changes are temporary such as pregnancy and menopause, so the hair thinning resulting from these conditions are temporary. Testosterone levels decrease by 10% each decade in men when they turn thirty, so men experience severe hair thinning than women do.
3. Medications
Some medicine in treatment of disease, such as cancer, heart problems, gouts, depression, arthritis and high blood pressures have side effect in hair losing, and you are supposed to have a idea in which medicine you take and if them have such side effect.
4. Stress & Bad Emotion
In our lives, we go through many stressful, depressed and sad moments that affect us mentally and psychologically. Due to extreme emotional or psychological shock, person loses health thus hairs shed abnormally. In this condition, hair thinning is temporary condition and grows back when person regains health.
5. Hair Management
There are dozes of hair management involved with damaging our natural hair, especially in group of ladies who are fond of curling, ironing, straightening, pinning, etc. These physical and chemical transfer plays a role in stimulating our hair scalp as well as hair follicle, some chemical residue could even clog hair follicle that the new hair are unable to grow.
6. Other Risk Factor
Except of above reasons, there are still other risk factors may leading to hair thinning including age, stress, diabetes, and certain chronic medical conditions.
How Thinning Hair Occurs in Women vs. Men
From the beginning time to the size of hair thinning, the discrepancy between men and women has ranged a lot, knowing these points of difference would be helpful when you want to figure out the reason of your hair thinning and choose the treatment.
1. Symptom of Thinning Hair Among Female
Aging is the main reason of hair thinning in female, it is natural that by the age of 50, half of ladies would find they are confronting the problem of hair thinning. If women’s hair thinning is related to female-patterned hair loss, then the thinning is believed to be 90 percent genetic and 10 percent hormonal.
Usually, Thinning hair in women occurs slowly all over the entire scalp without a recession of the hair line, it usually start with temples and hairline and may lead to extreme hair thinning but rarely leads to baldness.
2. Symptom of Thinning Hair Among Male
Some studies show that 84% men start losing hair when they reach 40. However, many men may experience hair loss when they turn 21 years of age. There are many other general conditions and risk factors which cause hair loss in men. In men, hair sheds above temples, around perimeter and top of head usually. Some men become bald, while others experience patches of baldness, extreme thinned hair, and receding sections of hair on head.
Males lose their hair most commonly due to the male-patterned baldness, medical conditions, dietary habits and medications. Men experience hair loss when they reach puberty, but that is a temporary hair loss and hairs are regrown after a certain period. Hair loss in men is related with smoking of cigarettes, weed, drugs abuse, consumption of alcohol and other intoxications. Smoking also influences hair growth in men tremendously.
Conventional Treatment for Thinning Hair
There are two conventional treatments for thinning hair: Medication and Surgery.
1. Medication
Some medications affect hair follicles and cause inflammation which consequently leads to severe hair loss. For example, cancer patient undergoes total hair loss when she/he goes two weeks into the treatment. Total hair loss is experienced by cancer patients because chemotherapy affect the cells that are responsible for the growth of the hair. Drugs used for the treatment of diseases such as cancer, heart problems, gouts, depression, arthritis and high blood pressures, happen to influence the hair growth. Thanks to technology and science, there are conventional medicine treatments that help to regrow hair or lessen the effects of the hair loss causing factors now. Below, medications of preventing and curing thinning hair are given:
A. Minoxidil:
Minoxidil is a medication that is used for the treatment of male-patterned hair loss. This is commonly also known as Rogaine. Minoxidil works through improving blood flow to the area on which Minoxidil is applied. Once it is applied on the scalp, it enhances and improves the blood supply and sends required nutrition to the hair follicles. Thus, Minoxidil increases the hair density and rate of hair growth.
Minoxidil solution and foam are used to stimulate the hair growth in men and women. Women may use foam and 2% of Minoxidil in order to increase the rate of hair growth.
B. Finasteride:
It is a medication that treats the male-patterned hair loss. It simply shrinks an enlarged prostate in the adult men. So, the hair loss is prevented and growth of hair is stimulated.
Finasteride is not good for the female-patterned hair loss. Women should completely avoid the Finasteride. This medication is also considered as a hormone therapy for third-gender.
2. Hair Transplant Surgery:
Hair transplant surgeries works by using your existing hair for filling in areas of significant hair thinning. It is one of the most effective ways of restoring the hair. Usually, 10-80 percent hair will be back in four to five months. The transplanted hairs are resistant to the hormone, which is the main cause of the hair loss, therefore hair transplant surgeries are considered permanent.
One disadvantage of the hair transplant surgeries is that they are very expensive. However, its rate depends on a number of factors, but the rate would be near $4000 – $5000. Hair transplant surgeries are more effective than over-the-counter medications. Hair Transplant surgeries ensure permanent and effective results. The success of rate hair transplant surgeries is very high.
Treatments for Thinning Hair
The treatments for thinning hair are various from chemical intervention to lifestyles, so today we collect several effective, instant and long-lasting treatments for thinning hair for you, scroll down and have idea on them.
1. Rule-Out Medications
It is better to diagnose hair loss early and prevent its occurrence. Treatment of hair loss takes months to regrow hairs. If clumps of hairs are found on hairbrush, sinkholes and floor, it is an alarming situation that you are losing too much hair. Minoxidil and Finasteride are some over-the-counter medications which doctors propose as rule-out-medications.
2. Herbs: Saw palmetto and Ginkgo biloba
Herbal treatment stimulates growth of hair naturally. Two herbs Saw Palmetto and Ginkgo Biloba are very popular and one of the top selling herbs. Saw Palmetto and Ginkgo Biloba shampoo is magical potion for the hair treatment. It strengthens hair, fortifies split ends, repair damaged hairs and stimulate hair growth.
3. Reduce Stress
Stress and hair loss are directly linked. Some stages of life bring more stress to the mind. These conditions can be improved by talking to the doctor, taking anti-depressants, working on the mind and solving problems that are bringing stress etc. Stress-free life brings health and happiness of mind.
4. Balance Hormones
Hormonal imbalance is one of the reasons of hair loss. Reduced testosterone and other temporary hormonal imbalance affect health of the person, which also affects health of the scalp and hair follicles. Treatments purposed at curing hormonal imbalance will serve twofold purpose, a. curing hormonal imbalance and b. curing hair loss problem.
5. Foods that Help
There are many food items that help in preventing hair loss. They are given below:
- Wild-Caught, Cold-Water Fish
Wild-caught, cold-water fish come with insane amount of vitamin B-12, Omega-3 fatty acids, protein, zinc, iron and more significantly Vitamin D. These nutrients prevent the hair loss very effectively.
- Grass-fed beef
Grass-fed beef is rich in Vitamin B. Vitamin B is very necessary for the fuller hair because it is responsible for the creation of the red blood cells which supply and nutrients to the scalp and hair follicles.
- Iron-Rich Vegetables
Iron deficiency leads to the hair loss. So, one must eat iron-rich vegetables such as lentils, beans, peas, nuts, seeds, pumpkin, sesame, flaxseed, hemp, tomatoes, Broccoli, Cabbage, leafy vegetables such as Brussels Sprouts, Swiss Chard, Collard etc.
- Vitamin C-Rich Produce
Vitamin C is essential for hair growth because it makes collagen which prevents aging of the hair. Vitamin C is found in citrus fruits such as orange, kiwi, lemon, guava, papaya, grapefruit and vegetables such as capsicum, cauliflower, Brussels sprouts etc.
- Vitamin A-Rich Foods
Vitamin A is necessary for all cell growth. Vitamin A also makes an oily substance called sebum. Sebum keeps scalp moisturized and healthy. There are many vegetables that have Vitamin A. These include Potatoes, Pumpkins, Carrots, Spinach, Kale etc.
- Biotin-Rich Foods
Biotin-rich foods promote hair growth. Biotin can be obtained from several resources such as eggs, meat, liver, salmon, dairy, nuts, yeast and avocado.
- Zinc-Rich Foods
Zinc is very good for hair tissue growth and hair repair. Zinc helps keep hair follicles working properly. If anybody lacks zinc in their diet, they may obtain zinc from shrimps, shellfish, meat, whole grains, legumes, seeds, nuts, dairy etc.
6. Foods that Hurt
Before beginning to start the plan of treatment of thinning hair. have a deep understanding of foods that hurt would be wise choice for you.
- Potential Food Allergens
If a person is allergic to the potential food allergens, the person starts shedding hair abnormally. Though, deficiency of potential food allergen is not connected with the hair loss scientifically.
- Trans fatty acids
Trans Fatty Acids increase bad LDL Cholesterol levels, and decrease the good HDL Cholesterol Levels. So, trans fatty acids must be avoided in the diet.
- Sugar
Proteins are very essential for hair growth. On the other hand, sugar prevents the absorption of proteins. Thus, sugar hinders the hair growth.
- Processed Foods
Processed foods do not provide essential nutrients to the whole body. When diet is deficient in essential nutrients, body sends nutrients to the heart and other crucial organs only. Hairs are not provided any essential nutrients. Thus, processed foods hurt the growth of the hair.
- Alcohol
Alcohol is very damaging for the hair growth in the sense that it slows the zinc levels in your body. You must avoid alcohol if you desire healthy and fuller hair look.
- Caffeine
Too much quantity of caffeine has great side effects; one of them is hair loss. If caffeine is taken in large quantity, it will hurt the hair.
7. Natural Supplements
Besides the chemical and diet treatment, there are some nutrition supplements and hair product supplements that help you to face the thinning hair.
- A Multivitamin Daily
A multivitamin daily can be taken which may contain antioxidant vitamins A, C and E, B-complex vitamins, and trace minerals, such as magnesium, calcium, zinc and selenium.
- Omega-3 Fatty Acids
Omea-3 Fatty Acids are rich resources of minerals required for the hair improvement.
- Vitamin C
Vitamin C should be taken in the quantity 500–1,000 milligrams, 2 times daily, as an antioxidant.
- L-lysine
L-lysine may be consumed in the fixed quantity of 500–1,000 milligrams daily, for curing hair loss.
- B-complex Vitamins
Stress is common factor which causes hair loss. 1 tablet of B-complex vitamins may be taken daily for reducing stress.
- Cooler Showers
Cooler showers increase the rate of the hair growth. So, instead of warm baths, you may have to take cooler showers now.
8. Hair Products:
Hair products help in lessening the effects of the thinned hairs on the overall appearance.
If thinned hair is your problem, you may improve your look with the help of hair wigs. You may prefer a hair wig for following reasons:
a. Wigs lessen the effect of hair loss, and make a person look more gorgeous and beautiful.
b. Hair wigs increases the confidence of the person, lessening their inferiority complexes and removing degraded self-image from mind.
c. Women may flaunt unlimited hairstyles. Men can also choose from different hair styles wigs.
Wigs will help you to stop the hair thinning, as you will not be blow-drying, curling or other styling methods.
There are many hair products which may be used to improve overall look. There are different hair pieces available online which gives a nicer and subtler look. Women may wear different buns, hair extensions, dyed streaks and more in order to look presentable and nicer. Men also can get natural-looking hair wigs. These hair pieces are confidence booster. It improves overall appearance of a person very nicely.
9. Essential Oils:
Oils are age’s old method of re-growing hairs. Following hairs oil are very good for hair growth:
- Rosemary oil
This oil is believed to be very beneficial for the hair. It increases cellular metabolism that stimulate hair growth.
- Spikenard oil
This oil is known for promoting the growth of hair and slowing down the graying process of graying.
Hair loss is caused by a number of factors. These factors range from psychological to the biological. There are different patterns of hair loss for each gender. They cause hair loss of men and women. Balanced diet is one of the most important perquisites of having healthy and fuller hair. The most important thing is to remember that there are several treatments of hair loss. Especially, female must understand that hair loss may be a general condition caused by several psychological, biological, diet-oriented factors. Hair loss can be cured very effectively. Effective treatments cure thinning hair conditions very finely. Preventive and precautionary measures must always be taken by everyone. Early diagnosis of hair loss and treatment saves a person from severe or permanent hair loss.
Science and technology is bringing revolution in every field nowadays. Beauty industry is exploring many new ways of maintenance of overall good appearance. Researches are undertaken to improve the existing beauty products. Radiation treatments and laser treatments are being explored nowadays. Effectiveness of various resources is being tested, which had never been known before. There are prospects that further researches into the hair loss treatments will unravel more effective ways to deal with thinning hair.
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